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VIEWER SPECIAL: Bruce's Dust Hood

Bruce sent in some photos of his completed miter saw dust hood he built using my plans. Bruce said:

"Here are two pics of your dust hood that I made. I love the design and it works perfectly. The saw is a Makita LS1220 and the fit is perfect. I just wish the red matched the rest of my cabinets that I made over 20 years ago. There is a drawer under the hood, just no handle."

I wrote back to Bruce and asked him about the dust collection piping he used and how he attached the folding door panels to the saw.

"To attach the folding doors: I disassembled the grip of my saw to make sure there was no interference then drilled a small hole for a cup hook. I had some very heavy leather left over from a pulling (row) boat that I built many years ago. The oars had a leather sleeve where they passed thru the oar locks. The leather piece is fastened to the doors and the cup hook connects via a hole in the leather. 
Dust collection: yes, 4” PVC. It enters thru the top. There is a 4.25” hole in the Down Draft Top. I glued a small strip of wood on the bottom side of that panel to prevent the PVC from falling thru. The 1” dust collection hose from the saw is connected to the 4” PVC. "

Great build Bruce!

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