Chuck sent in some photos of his recently completed overhead table saw dust collector based off of my design. He had a few comments you can read below.
"Justin, I completed my tablesaw dust collection on your design. I made the extra piece for cutting thin strips but haven’t cut the slots for it to move up and down.i have attached two pics of the project.i apologize for the cluttered shop but the system works great much much better than your original design. I have my router attached to the end of my tablesaw so I did some redesign on the horizontal arm. I wanted to totally disconnect the arm in case I have a large part that needed to be router. So I made a notch in the router surface to fit the base of the overhead arm in original installation.I was in a rush to take a picture of your design, it was at a hectic day of working-on two projects.I am currently building a bookcase that will hold two printers along with various items one keeps in a family room table.I mention this because it requires using the table saw to cut a number of parts from two 4’ x 8’ x 3/4” oak plywood. Your dust collection has been a god sent. It controls 98 percent of the dust. The bookcase is 53” long and 30” high and 17” wide with two shelf’s. One of the printers will sit on a sliding base on drawer slides. I am in the process of assembling it the next two days. The top shelf will be cherry the carcass and 2” base is solid Oak and Oak plywood. The faceplate is popular. Again your dust collection is fantastic. I will send you the pictures of the parts and the completed job. Sorry about getting so detailed but I am excited about showing you all involved, and how your system saved my lungs. Have a great day. Chuck."
Chuck also sent photos of his completed bookshelf he mentioned earlier.