Dave from North Carolina sent in some photos of his overhead table saw dust collector and his plans to update his design to one similar to mine.
"Justin, Several years ago, I made an overhead dust collection system for my table saw. In concept it’s similar to yours. I haven’t used it very much because it’s awkward. Part of the problem is that the hood over the blade is 4-1/4 inches wide, in order to accommodate a 2-1/2 inch diameter dust collection hose. I decided to borrow some ideas from your system and make the hood narrower. I still want to use the 2-1/2 inch diameter hose, so I’ve offset it to the left in order to have clear space on the right side of the blade for a push stick. Attached is a photo showing my system as it currently exists. Also attached is an image exported from SketchUp showing the revised hood, yet to be made. I’ve enjoyed your website. I look forward to seeing more videos."
Dave later wrote:
"I made some more minor changes to my version of your dust hood. Despite it’s robust size, my overarm has a slight wobble about the vertical axis. In order to prevent the hood from being damaged by the blade if and when the overarm wobbles, I made the hood longer, to provide more clearance in front of and behind the blade."